Think Tank Series │ Think Tank Series is an original CIPPEC’s publication in the context of VIPPAL initiative (Linking Research and Public Policies in Latin America).

Its core objective is to share knowledge and lessons regarding political influence and organizational management with worldwide Think Tanks executive directors, staff and specialists and civil society organizations interested in strengthening their policy impact.
So far, we have published two documents related to influence. Firstly, “Promoting a national policy forum: CIPPEC’s ‘Agenda for the President 2011-2015’”, a case aiming to understand the potential role of organizations during electoral campaigns and to provide a guide for think tanks involvement. Secondly, “Mi Galpón: from the local level to the national agenda”, a document that describes the origins, results and lessons of coordination among civil society representatives in search of financial tools for regional economic development.
We will soon be launching three resources. The third volume of the series, “Think tanks and electoral processes in Latin America: Towards a technology impact on Elections” reflects on the link between think tanks and policy during the electoral process in Peru, Ecuador , Colombia, Argentina and Paraguay. The fourth document “Lessons Learned and Challenges on the impact on Public Policy Impact evaluations in Latin America”, systematizes lessons learned on policy advocacy from nine impact evaluations throughout the region. Last, “Groups of intermunicipal cooperation. Net-Working Structures” analyzes the contribution of Intermunicipal Cooperation Group (ICG) in or between local net governors of Argentina in order to demonstrate the role of Think Tanks as facilitators of innovative initiatives.
We will present more publications. Follow us on Facebook and Twitter and in order to know about these and other initiatives.