Events │ Betweeen Wednesday 11 and Friday 13 November the III Latin American Think Tanks Summit and the first Argentine Think Tanks Summit took place.

(Buenos Aires, November 13, 2015) .- For the first time, Argentina hosted the Third Latin American Think Tanks Summit, held in Buenos Aires between November 11 and 13. The meeting brought together think tanks from the region to discuss the development agenda in Latin America.
More than 50 people from 22 think tanks in 12 Latin American countries and 13 international institutions observers 6 countries in America, Africa and Europe participated. During the meeting, they discussed growth and equity in Latin America, state capacities, regional geopolitics, with the assistance of the ambassadors of Brazil and China, youth, media and new technologies and institutional strengthening of think tanks.
“It is a space of collective construction among peer organizations where political, economic and social regional and international context was analyzed as well as the structural and cyclical challenges facing think tanks in the region,” said Natalia Aquilino, director of the Advocacy, Monitoring and Evaluation Program of CIPPEC.
This summit continued the legacy initiated in the Think Tanks Summits 2013 and 2014, organized by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
The meeting was organized by the Center for the Implementation of Public Policies Promoting Equity and Growth (CIPPEC), Program Think Tanks and Civil Society at the University of Pennsylvania, the Argentine Council for International Relations and the Getulio Vargas Foundation with support from CAF – Development Bank of Latin America as a strategic partner and the participation of World Bank, the Institute of Asian Development Bank, the Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung, Taiwan Foundation for Democracy and Ledesma.
In addition, on November 11 the first Argentine Think Tanks Summit was held. The centers analyzed the situation under the light of the overall look that proposed by the GoToThinkTanks index from the University of Pennsylvania (UPenn). They also discussed institutional challenges and opportunities in the medium term. In this activity 14 institutions between think tanks and civil society organizations participated. This event was organized by CIPPEC, Program Think Tanks and Civil Society at the University of Pennsylvania, the Argentine Council for International Relations and the Getulio Vargas Foundation with support from CAF – Development Bank of Latin America.