Posts │ The results and findings of impact evaluations may provide critical evidence for innovation in the design and implementation of public policies and achieve substantial changes involving people’s life improvement.

However, policy-based recommendations build on these rigorous analysis do not always reach policymakers effectively. Therefore it is valuable to ask:
Under which circumstances do impact evaluations influence the most during critical phases of the public policies?
Which are the characteristics that make an impact evaluation influential?
How can we improve the link between evaluation results and their effective influence in public policy?
To reflect on these issues, IDRC (International Development Research Center) and 3ie (International Initiative for Impact Evaluation) will gather a group of experienced researchers in the design and development of impact evaluations in Latin America in order to share learnings regarding opportunities and challenges to foster impact evaluations influence strategies in Latin America; share experiences and extract lessons learned about what works and what does not concerning impact evaluations influence; and to collaboratively develop strategies to maximize impact results and findings.
IDRC, GRADE (Analysis Group for development from Peru) and CEDLAS (Center of Distributive, Labor and Social Studies from La Plata National University from Argentina) are developing a project called “Strengthening Capacities for Impact Evaluation in Latin America” as part of the Inclusive Growth Support Program (SIG) which concentrates on implementing research projects and develop evaluators’ capacities to improve political influence and develop relevant evidence to inform public policy.
With 3ie’s leadership and finance, CIPPEC in alliance with a consortium of international organizations including ODI, CEPA and CommsConsult are developing since 2012 the project “Political Influence Monitoring” to learn about influence capacities of impact evaluation results in other regions.
The workshop is co-organized by CIPPEC (through VIPPAL), GRADE and CEDLAS. It will be held on November 14th at San Pablo. Conclusions and results will be shared in early 2015.
This post is also available in Spanish.