Think Tank Series │ This document analyses the project Mi Galpón, initially developed in the city of Rafaela, Santa Fe province. It is the second document of the Think Tank series, an initiative that aims to share knowledge and lessons about incidence on public policies and management of civil society organizations around the world.

The project consisted on facilitating long-term financial borrowing for the construction of warehouses for small local businesses. The initiative, promoted by the Commercial and Industrial Center of Rafaela and the Region (CCIRR), was incorporated by the National Ministry of Industry in its agenda of benefits as a way to finance the private initiative. The strategies used in order to accomplish the established objectives provided the chance to promote a local initiative at the national level, an example of effective influence.
By Natalia Aquilino, Director of the Influence Monitoring and Evaluation Program, Leandro Echt, Coordinator of the Influence, Monitoring and Evaluation Program, Federico Frascheri, Consultant of the Influence, Monitoring and Evaluation Program of CIPPEC and Margarita Kostova, Harvard University student.
This document is also available in Spanish.