Events │ Organized by CIPPEC, FGV, CARI and University of Pennsylvania

During last years, collaborative work, virtual and face to face exchanges, joint knowledge production have been incremented throughout Latin American think tanks. As a proof there are the 10 years of working meetings developed by regional institutions in order to build and strengthen a knowledge community interested in analyzing and improving links between public policies, ideas and think tanks.
Besides analysis and debates concerning common topics in the agenda, mutual support has taken place through working missions for in situ learning, peer assistance, analyzing similar experiences (both sectorial and transversal) and the production of knowledge integrating the regional know how regarding public policies’ advocacy.
Different international and regional initiatives have promoted these spaces of mutual learning. At the same time, Latin American think tanks exchanged experiences with other world networks participating at forums in Asia, Europe and Africa.
Think tanks Summit 2015
To continue with this tradition, a new Latin American think tank summit will take place. It will gather the most prestigious institutions to analyze challenges when linking evidence and knowledge to public policies in their national contexts. This event follows the pioneer experience of the 2013 and 2014 Think Tanks Summit organized by the Getulio Vargas Foundation (FGV) and University of Pennsylvania (UPenn) at Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, which were able to build and strengthen a regional network that had never existed before.
The 2015 event, which will take place between November 11th and 13th, will gather the main Latin American think tanks, key regional actors, donors and observers. The expected assistance rounds 50 to 60 people in a two-day event through a participative and horizontal strategy with featured exposers and multiple spaces for exchange.
The complete agenda of the TT Summit 2015 includes a programmatic and an institutional strengthening aspect and intends to deepen and share four themes:
a) Regional and international political context;
b) Strategic topics for Latin America in compared perspective;
c) Structural and conjunctural challenges for think tanks; and
d) Learning agenda and cooperation among TTs.